Fall Urns & Annuals – Commercial
garden urns, annual plantings,
Landcare’s Commercial Property Maintenance Division has been providing urns and annuals to Toronto businesses for more than 25 years. Our designers source the best plant material and install them in decorative urns or containers according to the property’s design requests. Our designers can also provide unique and/or custom versions. Landcare offers urns seasonally. A commercial property instantly increases their property’s curb appeal with the addition of these relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain features. They are especially important at properties in Toronto’s downtown core where green space is a hard to find luxury. Landcare enhancement division which is a sector of our Commercial Landscape Maintenance Division provides annual or mass plantings in existing gardens. Bright swaths of colour give garden beds increase appeal and enjoyment. Our Enhancement team can also fix, build or revamp garden beds that a commercial property may want to add to their property. Landcare regularly puts together a rejuvenation plan for condominiums and townhouse complexes where gardens installed by the original contractor have become over grown or tired looking.