Plan Ahead During the Cold-Weather Months for Post-Winter Lawn Care Needs
With the arrival of cold temperatures and harsh winds, many homeowners prefer to take refuge in the warmth and comfort of their favourite room in the house. And as they look out the window at the bleakness of winter, they cannot be faulted if their thoughts drift to the lushness and colour of their lawns when the growing season returns in the spring.
What is perhaps missing from this image is the amount of work that will likely be needed to actually attain that level of aesthetic appeal with their lawn; in other words, they tend to look beyond the post-winter lawn care stage, preferring to emphasize the picturesque outcome of such efforts instead.
To avoid getting ahead of themselves, as these homeowners contemplate/envision the ultimate appearance of their lawn, they might also want to be mindful of the conditions they will likely face when all the snow has melted and frost is no longer a factor. These conditions may/will include:
- Brittle/dead roots from repeated freeze-and-thaw cycles
- Compacted soil in areas that underwent heavy foot traffic
- Damage near streets/driveways – the effects of road salt
- Brown spots or dead sections as a result of pet ‘activities’
- Areas compressed by the weight of excessive snow or ice
In preparation for addressing/combating these circumstances, homeowners should turn their thoughts to the steps that should be included in their post-winter/spring lawn care routines. Such activities would consist of:
- Aeration
- Fertilization
- De-thatching
- Over-seeding
- Sharpening mower blades
- Top-dressing low/dead areas
Taking the time during the cold-weather months to anticipate post-winter lawn damage and plan ahead for their spring lawn care activities will stand homeowners in good stead with respect to achieving the look and appeal they want for their property next summer.
Create the Base for a Healthy Lawn with a Professional Spring Cleanup Service
As part of their planning process for post-winter/spring lawn care activities, homeowners may wish to consider the benefits of various landscape maintenance services offered by Landcare, one of the leading landscaping providers within Toronto and the GTA.
Landcare offers standardized and customized maintenance/grounds-keeping on a year-round basis, including a summer program that opens with a spring cleanup service. This spring cleanup may be the ideal process to help homeowners in establishing a solid base for a healthy lawn that can in turn be maintained in expert fashion by the Landcare team throughout the balance of the year.
To establish a plan that will help your lawn look its best again after post-winter damage, call the lawn care specialists from Landcare today at 416-410-0320 to discuss the program that best meets your needs and those of your lawn.