Yard Maintenance Services To Help Prepare Your Garden For Next Season
In order for your garden to look its best in the spring when the snow melts, it is necessary to do a good clean up in the fall. This includes cutting down some perennials, shrub pruning if necessary, deep turning the plant beds, cutting the grass to a height of 2” and removing any leaves or debris left on your property. Now is also a good time to remove any weeds and seedlings from your yards. Remember to get them out with the roots, as otherwise they will come back in the spring.
Soft-stemmed perennials such as Hosta, Beebalm, Bearded Iris, Blanket flower, Peony and Columbine need to be pruned back in the fall. Other perennials such as Coral Bells, Balloon Flower, Coneflower, Sedum, Astilbe, Black-eyed Susan and Asters, do not need to be cut back until the spring. These perennials tend to look good over the winter, and many of them provide seeds for the birds to feed on during the cold months. Similarly, grasses can remain over the winter, as their seed heads provide interest.
If you are unsure of the best time to begin garden pruning, do some research before taking your shears to your plants. Hydrangea can be left standing over the winter, as their showy flower heads provide interest. Cut back roses to half the size in the fall, and mulch to a height of 1’ to protect the crown of the plant. It is usually best to prune evergreen shrubs in the spring, because it gives them time to develop new growth and harden off before frost. This is particularly important in the case of Junipers. Broadleaf evergreen shrubs such as Euonymus and Cotoneaster though, can be pruned at any time.
If you need a hand with your fall clean up and other yard maintenance services, call our experts at Landcare today. We’ll be happy to provide you with a quote.